Previous Editions

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Important Dates

First Communion Celebration

Sunday 30 June 2024

Netball Carnival - Years 4-6

Monday 1 July 2024

Yr 5/6 Camp - AFL Max

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Choir Hub Assessment

Thursday 4 July 2024

Term 2 ends

Friday 5 July 2024

Winter Woolies Fundraiser

Friday 5 July 2024

Term 3 starts

Monday 22 July 2024

P&F Committee Meeting

Tuesday 23 July 2024

P&F Quiz Night

Saturday 27 July 2024

P&F Movie Night

Friday 9 August 2024

School Music Concert - Westminster College

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Book Week Parade

Thursday 22 August 2024

School Photographs

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Italian Day

Friday 30 August 2024

Pupil Free Day

Friday 6 September 2024

Yr 3 AFL Max

Friday 13 September 2024

Year 6 Camp - Ballarat 17 Sept - 20 Sept

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Term 3 ends

Friday 27 September 2024

Public Holiday

Monday 7 October 2024

Term 4 starts

Monday 14 October 2024

Sports Day

Friday 18 October 2024

Year 4 Camp - 21 Oct - 23 Oct

Monday 21 October 2024

Pupil Free Day

Monday 18 November 2024

Term 4 Ends

Wednesday 11 December 2024

School Closure Day

Thursday 12 December 2024

School Closure Day

Friday 13 December 2024

Student Absence Notification

Please use one of the following options to notify the school that your child will be absent:

Select Option 1 when calling telephone 8306 4888 to advise absentee information

Or SMS to Absentee Text Line:  0417 038 063

Uniform Information

The school uniform can be fitted (by appointment only) and ordered at our offsite uniform shop: 

Their uniform warehouse is located at 10 Newton Road Campbelltown

phone: 0451 725 600


The full range of uniforms and sizes are available for fittings at SMPS.  Please contact Tony in the office to make an appointment time. 

WHS Inductions for Volunteers

Please contact Kirralee Philips to arrange a time.


P: 8306 4888

Holy Spirit Church

Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm

Phone:  08 8298 1044


Address:  24A Ramsay Ave Seacombe Gardens SA 5047


St Bernadette's Church:

Sunday 10:45am

Wednesday & Friday 12 noon

Holy Spirit Church:

Saturday 6pm

Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:15am

Music Tutors

Guitar - Chris Larsson

Mobile: 0424 241 040


Piano - Patricia Heller

Mobile: 0403 645 271


Singing - Hallmark Music Studio


Violin - Jenny McDonald

Mobile: 0410 441 974


Drums - Gianni Pedicini

Contact Kylie - Hallmark Studios

Ph. 8277 8656
